Onboarding Web2 Users to Web3 at ETHDenver

I snuck on a panel at ETHDenver to discuss data unions with Rob Solomon and Yevgeny Khessin from DIMO.

Onboarding Web2 Users to Web3 at ETHDenver

As some of you may know, Re-Public has been funded by the Streamr Data Fund, and is now part of the Data Union DAO cohort building the first data unions.

After almost a year of working remotely with friends from both teams, I finally got to meet up with them in-person at ETHDenver last week. I guess I didn't creep them out too bad because they invited me to join a panel discussion on data unions, which you can watch below.

Joining me on stage are Rob Solomon and Yevgeny Khessin from DIMO, a data union for vehicle data that everyone should check out. Here's the clip!