Re-Cap: Ocean Protocol, DevNTell, and Our North Star

Re-Cap: Ocean Protocol, DevNTell, and Our North Star

I've been struggling to get this update out so I won't waste your time with a rambling intro. On to the updates!

The Current Vision for Re-Public

I drafted a forum post that attempts to answer the question: What is the vision for Re-Public? What is our North Star?

I'd love some discussion on that thread if anyone has follow-up questions or ideas.

Re-Public Overview and Q&A at Ocean DAO Town Hall

OceanDAO granted us an introductory grant to being integrating the Ocean Protocol. DAO members were curious about Re-Public so I joined their town hall last week to give an overview and a Q&A.

Video link

DevNTell at Developer DAO

The incredible Narb over at Developer DAO holds a weekly meetup for devs to show off their projects. He was nice enough to give me a slot to go over our Voting app and you can watch that here:

Town Halls

We have had two town halls since our last update, so here are those as well. I don't expect you all to watch all of these, but I believe in building in the open and sharing as much as we can for those that are interested.



The Future of Advertising

As advocates for data sovreignty and data dignity, we have a potentially strained relationship with advertising. Instead of shying away from it or demonizing it, we're leaning in with fresh ideas to try and re-think it completely. Re-Public style.

My current view of what the future of advertising could look like without being exploitative or coersive, is something like learn-to-earn modules. Allow brands to pay potential customers directly to learn about their product. It's opt-in and all incentives are made clear. No more display ads?

If you want to see how this might look, checkout the learn-to-earn modules in the mobile Coinbase app.

We're in very early talks with a big advertising company about how to pilot this idea or move it forward. If this interests you, get in touch since it's a bit of a sidequest for us at the moment and needs a champion.

Get involved

If you like the direction and vision of Re-Public, consider joining the Discord, subscribing to this blog, and following us on Twitter: @republicdao.

Thanks! Have a good rest of the week!

Cover image by Edward Howell on Unsplash