Re-Public Weekly: Coinbase Geo Tracking

Re-Public Weekly: Coinbase Geo Tracking

While big swaths of the web3 community aspire to give you sovereignty and control over your data, this week we saw how web2 data surveillance will be following us for a while:

Coinbase Says It Doesn’t Sell Customer Data After ICE ‘Geo Tracking’ Contract Surfaces
The goliath of crypto exchanges says it’s helping the US government investigate financial crime.

We're lucky to claim the author of that story, Eric Mack, as one of our members. Eric, write some stuff for our blog!

It's been a relatively quiet week for DAO internals, but here are a few highlights:

Our First Town Hall

Thank you to Pool's Community Manager, Phil Labrecque, for scheduling our first weekly Town Hall meeting.

WHEN: Friday, 7/8/22 @ 10am PT (UTC -7)

WHERE: Email [email protected] for a Zoom link

WHAT: Read/edit our Town Hall Agenda

If you can't make it, don't worry. We'll be recording it and posting it for people to watch whenever they can.

Move to Skiff

Although we try to be as principled as possible with our data and the tools we use, Phil and I have been grudgingly using Google Docs up until now for the sake of expediency.

This week we've been testing out a new platform called Skiff and we'll be moving our shared resources over there in the coming weeks. Skiff docs are end-to-end encrypted using novel open source libraries and encryption techniques. Yet it delivers most of the real-time collaboration features we've come to expect from Google Docs.

Give it a try and let us know what you think.

Protecting Yourself in a Post-Roe World

JournoDAO held a great Twitter Space this week where we discussed various data privacy habits and how Re-Public is attempting to change people's minds about what's at stake in the fight for data ownership.

The recording should be playable from the linked tweet above. In the Space we also discuss the EFF's Surveilance Self-Defense guide:

Surveillance Self-Defense
Surveillance Self-Defense (SSD) is EFF’s online guide to defending yourself and your friends from surveillance by using secure technology and developing careful practices. In addition to tutorials for installing and using security-friendly software, SSD walks you through concepts like making a...

Many thanks to Crystal Street for leading that discussion. Crystal just joined our Discord recently so be sure to say hi!

Dev Updates

Most of my development time went to bug fixes and features for the voting app. JournoDAO and Factland DAO have real proposals they would like to settle with it so the race is on to get to MVP so that it can start adding real value.

To be a tester of the voting app, send an email to [email protected].

That's it for this week, thanks for reading! Hopefully we'll see you in the Town Hall tomorrow. If you want to help Re-Public but aren't sure what to do, the best and smallest action you can take is subscribing to this blog to stay up to date on what we're doing.

Cover image by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash