Re-Public Weekly: See What Facebook and Google Are Tracking

Re-Public Weekly: See What Facebook and Google Are Tracking

It can be hard to simply or quickly explain to people just how invasive their favorite apps are, but @stephsmithio highlights a couple of great links to send to Facebook and Google users.

And have you ever felt like apps were listening to a conversation you had because of the ads they show you? Well here's a fascinating and plausible breakdown of how Facebook and Instagram could achieve the same result without listening to the actual audio of the conversation.

I'm not sure this is better though? Maybe worse? Either way feels like a violation of my privacy and personal freedom. "Don't worry, you didn't actually get hit by a car, someone just beat you senseless with a baseball bat." The future that Re-Public envisions cannot come fast enough.

Now on to the updates ...

Last Week's Town Hall

We had a few new faces at last week's Town Hall, where we discussed how tasks get proposed and assigned in the DAO. There isn't a formal process right now so we'd love your input.

A reminder that this week's Town Hall will be held TODAY at 10am PT on Zoom. DM on Discord or Twitter for the link. Or email [email protected].

Ocean Protocol Grant

We'll be submitting our grant proposal to OceanDAO later today so stay tuned on that. The proposal will be focused on allowing Re-Public app users to easily share and monetize their data with Ocean Protocol.

It will likely be similar to the way that users can currently share on Streamr via the Earn screen, but Ocean is more focused on static datasets rather than real-time data source subscriptions.

Public Appearances

I was invited to speak on behalf of Re-Public at a DAO roundtable about civic engagement and governance, hosted by The Sapien Nation:

I was able to speak a bit about our voting app that should be ready to use for real decision making in the next two months.

Also, I'll be speaking TODAY at 9am PT on a Twitter Space hosted by Crypto Sapiens:

Please come by to show your support if you can!

Action Items

  • Tell everyone you know about Re-Public and ask them to sign up for this blog if they're at all intrigued by the mission.
  • Have a good week! Take care of yourself and the ones you love.

Cover image by Maxim Hopman on Unsplash